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The Good Habits of Healthy Women

There are times when you look at one of your pretty friends and wonder how she got that perfect skin. She might not be a picture-perfect model from the magazines but she looks naturally flawless and you might feel a teensy bit of pangs of jealousy. Or maybe she is the Girl Boss who inspires you to be one too. Well, Senitta feels that you should be bold forever and come out of your comfort zones to lead a healthier lifestyle because you are beautiful. All it takes is that one step and a will to transcend the boundaries!

Everyone wakes up in the morning, brushes their teeth, work, but here are some pro-tips you can follow to shine with the light from the sun:

  1. Plan ahead: Before going to bed or waking up in the morning, it is always a good idea to plan the day in advance. Take out at least five minutes to jot down your to-do list. Lucky for you, there are multiple apps available to stay organised!
  2. Keep yourself hydrated: Consuming more water not only leaves you feeling fresh but also keeps your system clean. It is also directly related to staying in shape. Sometimes the body also confuses thirst with hunger, so try drinking water the next time you feel sluggish or hungry. It is also healthy to take enough water during menstruation.
  3. Say no to skipping breakfast and starving: A healthy and wholesome breakfast is a key to having a great metabolism. Try eating within an hour of waking up and this is how you signal your body and your brain to start digesting it, hence a functioning metabolism. Also, eating small meals at regular intervals is better than overeating at once because it keeps the blood sugar level stable and also helps with the metabolism. All you need to remember is to eat right and eat healthy.
  4. Exercise: It is great to have a daily dose of physical activity. Even a 30 minutes brisk walk is a good way to get some body movement. It also helps with your moods as exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy!
  5. Take care of your financials: Keep a track of your expenses and save as and whenever it is possible. If you are financially organised, you can focus on your dream trip, your goals, or that expensive shoes you want to buy.
  6. Emotional stability: We cannot stress enough how important it is to stay calm and have your emotions under control. Meditation has been known to be the most effective way to handle extreme emotions.
  7. Take care of that skin: Yes, we have all heard the phrase “You are what you eat”. While that is completely true, using good quality skin products or homemade remedies to get that extra glowing skin is equally important. A good sunscreen and moisturiser are a great help depending upon your skin type.
  8. Get good sleep: A full 7-8 hours sleep ensures a well-rested body especially during your menstruation. Good sleep also makes you look fresh and helps you keep up the productivity.
  9. Limit the screen time: Limit the usage of cell phones, TV, computers, etc to the minimum. Instead, try and catch up on your reading and keep yourself updated. Avoid sleeping next to your electronic devices as the rays can be harmful for your body.
  10. Go easy on yourself: Learn to forgive and love yourself because ultimately, you are the one you have been waiting for. Transcend all boundaries, learn from the mistakes and keep on keeping on!

Senitta provides you with the healthy alternative to your regular sanitary pads. We listened to your menstruation related problems and came up with a dioxin-free, anti-bacterial solution. Senitta helps you have a happy and healthy period and you can follow these pro-tips to become the best version of yourself. This is your chance to shine so do not let the periods get you down. Celebrate your womanhood with Senitta!

