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Know your flows

Your period can tell you a lot about your health. Lots of things about your periods offer clues to what is going on in your body. Pay attention to what's normal and healthy for you so you can pick up on early signs of trouble. Senitta can help you with all the kinds of flows, avoid the embarrassing leakages, and hide those unflattering smell by being anti-bacterial.

Here are a few things you can watch out for:

  • Heavy Flow: Many women have this complain about very heavy flow. But what really is heavy? “Heavy” means changing your pads every hour or so or during the night. This also means that you have periods that last for more than a week, or pass blood clots bigger than a quarter. Infections such as pelvic inflammatory disorders, certain blood disorders, blood thinning drugs (including aspirin) or copper IUD can lead to problems of your reproductive organs or hormones.

    When you lose blood during heavy periods, red blood cells are damaged and this can lead to anaemia of the iron deficiency. One study found that 5% of females in childhood are affected. Let your health care provider know if you are short of breath, feel weak and tired, look pale and also have a rapidheartbeat. A simple blood test will tell you what is necessary.
  • Missed Periods: Pregnancy is the most common cause. Anxiety, hormone imbalances, weight loss, scar tissue and some drugs may also stop periods for a while. See your doctor if you miss 3 in a row. Certain signs help you to understand what is happening. For instance, additional hair growth, acne and weight control problems also suggest polycystic ovary syndrome. And if you're close to menopause, it's not unusual to be irregular.
  • Early Periods : It could still be natural to get your cycle every 3 weeks. It may take a few years to get into a routine–somewhere between 24 and 38 days. Your cycle changes due to exercising, losing weight and stress. Check with your doctor if your period begins less than 24 days apart.
  • Bleeding on non-period days : Growths in and around your uterus, problems with your hormones, the type of birth control pill you're using, and STDs can be responsible for blood showing up during the time you don’t have periods. Some women will even spot a little bit 10-14 days after they get pregnant. Since it could be so many things, you should talk to your doctor.
  • Colour of the blood : Fresh blood at the beginning of your period is usually bright red. A heavy flow could be darker and they could contain clots, which makes the blood darker. You'll typically see toward the end of the week rusty brown blood (which is old) because the air has had a chance to react with it. Pinkish is probably just a light period.
  • Spotting : It is also important to track any bleeding that occurs at other times in your cycle. This may be caused by different reasons, including hormonal birth control (HBC), ovulation leakage, or other biochemical factors. Speak to your healthcare provider when you are spotting frequently, as they may need to change your birth control pills or investigate another source. Spotting can also be caused by certain diseases and changes in the body that must be treated with by a medical provider.


  • Exercising 3 to 5 times each week.
  • Eating a well-balanced diet that includes whole grains, vegetables and fruit, and a decreasing salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Getting adequate sleep and rest.
  • Blood test if there is an abnormality.

Senitta has always advocated the need for a healthier lifestyle. Knowing about yourself and what your body goes through can help you make better choices. Senitta being the number one choice for all the Senoritas who believe in comfortable and safe periods, it promises to provide you with dioxin-free and anti-bacterial replacement to your regular pads. Senitta wishes for you to have a safe and worry-free period!

